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rozzex - free instant traffic

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rozzex - free instant traffic Empty rozzex - free instant traffic

Post by dballerp 2010-10-23, 12:51

Site Name: rozzex
Site URL: rozzex link
Rozzex - Free advertising site [1200+ posts and 50+ members]

rozzex - free instant traffic Rozzex1

Rozzex forum is a great forum used for your advertising needs. We have become and grown into a friendly community and a great advertising place for our 50+ members, and growing. We offer a total of 9+ great services which are sure to increase the amount of traffic on your forums. Packages will be taken care by and graphics will be taken care by rozzex until we get packagers and graphic crew members, but we have at least one member for every other group.

Which also reminds me about the staff benefits. These are all the benefits you will receive:

- 25% off every service
- Get paid rozzex coins depending on your job
- Allowed to add up to 4 links in your signature, unlike the regular 2 only by members
- Able to participate in our staff games!

Our staff games are meant to keep the staff alive, and to give you lots of joy. Our first one was a success, you don't want to miss our next one.

So join now, this will only do good for you. You can also visit the official site: rozzex.com to create your advert and have it displayed in our networks. These will be displayed there and in the forums.

Also, as of today, we have opened our official website directory. You can find out more by reading this along with the other updates we had today.

There will also be a halloween special on rozzex. To start off, any member who joins on Oct 26-Oct 31 will get one free super package. That's 16 free posts right there. Also, we will be holding a special halloween contest and the prize 3 free services (not including packages) Scary stuff huh?

Hope to see you there sometime.
Your Name on the Board: dballerp

Posts : 4
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2010-10-23

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rozzex - free instant traffic Empty Re: rozzex - free instant traffic

Post by Vistian 2010-10-31, 15:14

I suppose it's all right, but I find the theme hard to use, and darkBB even harder; perhaps using MyBB, phpBB, etc., or if not (I may just not like darkBB from the themes I've seen) just change the theme, and the moving text that says, "Timorthy Perkin's World" is sort of distracting. But I think, with the same forum layout and icons, this could be very popular. However, I would reccomend buying a domain name (RozzeX.net, maybe?) so people would be more inclined to post there, and take it more seriously.

But what you've got going is good; keep up the good work!

Posts : 17
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2010-10-31
Age : 26
Location : USA


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